Covered California Enrollment Center

What is Health Insurance?│Covered California Enrollment Center

What is Health Insurance

Health Insurance is insurance that covers expenses related to health care. This could be surgical expenses, doctors visits or emergency room visits. These costs are paid by the health insurance company in exchange for a monthly premium and copays that an individual pays when they use the services. 

There are a variety of ways that people are able to get healthcare coverage. Most people in the United States get health insurance through their work. Health Insurance is often covered in the benefits package that comes with their position. This equates to about 157 million people who are covered by healthcare through their work. 

Additionally there are a large portion of the country who receive their healthcare coverage through other public programs. This could be Medicaid or Medi-Cal ( which is California’s health program for low income individuals), and  almost 44 million seniors and people on disability who are enrolled into Medicare or also in Covered California which is the California Health Insurance Exchange. 

Buying a Private Health Insurance Plan

22 Million people in the US currently have private health plans. This includes children over 26 years who are no longer being covered on their parents plans, gig workers, self employed workers and many more. All of these people are required to purchase healthcare or pay a penalty in California. Many of them choose to enroll in a plan through Covered California because it provides them with access to financial assistance that reduces their monthly healthcare costs.  But even with assistance available, 27 million people across the country still remain uncovered . 

There are many different types of health coverage. Depending on the style of plan you may pay for none of your services, a small portion of your services or all of the cost of your healthcare upto a certain limit. Our Covered California Enrollment Centers are here to help you find plans that fit your needs and your benefits best. Additionally we can assist you to get financial assistance to bring down the cost of your health plan. 



We are the Covered California Enrollment Center, your place to get free assistance with your health insurance plan. We can assist you to sign up, enroll and update your private health Insurance, Covered California plan, Medi-Cal, Obamacare and Medicare insurances. Our California agency is certified by Covered California, to assist you in-person, over the phone or online in English and Spanish

We specialize in individual and family health insurance plans, Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement (MediGap plans), Medicare Prescription Drug plans (Part D), as well as, Dental and Vision coverage. We can help you get enrolled into health insurance plans, compare healthcare options, provide required health coverage tax documents and review the plans that best fit your budget and healthcare needs.  

Call us today at 844-367-6555 for free assistance over the phone, visit our website at www.EnrollSocal.Com to make an appointment at our California Enrollment Centers Serving San Diego County, Los Angeles County and Imperial County.