- Age
- Zip Code
- Household size
- Income
Household Size: 4 People
Ages : 50 years, 45 years, 19 years, 12 years
Income : $90,000 yearly
Zip Code : 92069 San Diego
Covered California Subsidy Eligible = $704.01 a month
Sample Pricing from CCA

The monthly premium assistance can be applied to any of the four levels of plans that are available through covered california. Like the Olympics, there are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum level plan coverages. In general the bronze plans will have the lowest monthly premium but a higher cost for services. Platinum plans usually have the highest monthly premium, but the lowest cost for medical services.
Every Insurance company who participates in the California Health Exchange will have a plan at each level of coverage Bronze through Platinum. The benefits do not change from one insurance company to another. This means that if any health insurance company offers a Silver plan through Covered California it will have the exact same benefits as all the othe Silver plans offered through the exchange.
Although the benefits for all Covered California plans within the same metal level are identical. The cost of plans will vary from one insurance company to another. Most doctors in California participate with one of the Covered California metal plans, but not every plan. It is important to review the plan’s monthly premiums, benefits costs as well as doctors available before you make a final decision about which plan is best for you. Below is a list of the Insurance Carriers who participate in the Covered California Health Exchange.