Unemployment Benefits Delay and $600 Ending in July. What is Next?
Unemployment Benefits Updates Right know it can feel like we are stuck in a disaster sandwich, with the pandemic on one side and civil unrest on the other. But we cannot lose sight of the other issues that are still ongoing in the US. One of the biggest looming issues is the 40 million Americans who have applied for unemployment benefits during the lockdown but up to ⅓ have not yet received their benefits. Additionally there are pending deadlines for extended Unemployment Insurance (UI), Pandemic Unemployment Insurance (PUA) and Pandemic Unemployment Emergency Compensation (PUEC) authorized by the CARES act which are set to expire by July 31st.Today we are going to talk about why so many Americans have not yet received their unemployment benefits, as well as, some new proposals from both Republicans and Democrats that hope to help Americans get more unemployment benefits moving forward of July and get more people back to work. If you like this video, please don’t forget to like and subscribe to this video.