What is Health Insurance? Health Insurance is insurance that covers expenses related to health care. This could be surgical expenses, doctors visits or emergency room visits. These costs are paid by the health insurance company in exchange for a monthly…
Renovación de la cobertura de salud de Medi-Cal Medi-Cal es el programa de California para seguros médicos de bajos ingresos. Por lo general, la cobertura tiene un costo bajo o nulo y debe renovarse cada año. Cada año, los beneficiarios…
How to Renew Medi-Cal Benefits? Medi-Cal Health Coverage Renewal Medi-Cal is the California health program for low income individuals. There is generally low or no cost coverage and it must be renewed every year. Each year Medi-Cal recipients will be…
“Covered California,” “California Health Benefit Exchange”, and the Covered California Logo are registered trademarks or service marks of Covered California, in the United States.” The website is owned and maintained by Neighborhood Health Insurance Center which is solely responsible for its content. This site is not maintained by or affiliated with Covered California, and Covered California bears no responsibility for its content. The e-mail addresses and telephone numbers that appear throughout this site belong to Neighborhood Health Insurance Center and cannot be used to contact Covered California. © 2019, Instive. All rights reserved