Social Security & Retirement: Basic of Social Security Spousal Benefits Explained
Social Security is one of the largest ways American seniors and their spouses get retirement benefits either through: Social Security Survivors Benefits, Social Security Retirement, Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). In general, Social Security retirement is a savings plan that provides monthly benefits to seniors once they retire or are no longer able to work. There are many pathways to receive Social Security benefits, and in most cases a person will have to have paid into the Social Security retirement system while they were working. This is not always the case, especially in the situation where a household only has one person working while another person is not. This is why through, Social Security it is possible for non-working spouses to qualify for Social security benefits based on a working spouse eligible, even if they have never worked. Being able to receive benefits as a spouse is an important part of the Social Security program and can mean the difference of tens-of-thousands of dollars over the span of a lifetime , and the ability for someone to age with dignity. Today we are going to discuss, what are some of the ways that Social Security works for spouses, how someone can access benefits based on their spouses eligibility and what are some strategies to work together to increase your overall Social Security benefits . Please do not forget to like and subscribe.
Thank you so much for watching, if you have questions about your Medicare or Medicare health plan options please feel free to contact us and we can make a new post or video to cover your questions. We here at California know health insurance weather it is private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid / Medi-Cal, Medigap or health insurance for your small business. It can be very confusing coming from your work insurance and trying to look at options on the private market or turning 65 and trying to figure out which Medicare option is best for you. That is exactly what we can do, we can walk you through your options and help you find the plans that fits your needs and your budget.