Covered California Enrollment Center

SNAP Expanded Benefits & Pandemic EBT(P-EBT): 8 States with No PEBT Benefits (SNAP Food Stamps)

Over the last few months, millions of people across America have been utilizing expanded benefits like : Food Stamps, Pandemic EBT (P-EBT), CalFresh, Supplementary Nutritional Assistance (SNAP), EBT to help keep their lives as close to normal as possible. They have had their lives shaken by the pandemic and lockdown. Unfortunately, many of these people are children. With schools shut down many children are not able to get food through the Reduced Lunch or Free Lunch Programs, which is one of their largest sources of daily nutrition for many children from low income households. To compensate, many states have created a program called Pandemic -EBT (P-EBT) which is a program to help ensure that these children have enough food to eat while they are home. Not all states have expanded this program for a variety of reasons. Today we are going to talk about the states that have not yet expanded P-EBT to children, why they may have not expanded there P-EBT programs, and what you can do to help if you live in these states. Before we do that do not forget to like and subscribe

California P-EBT Applicatin Link :

Thank you so much for watching, if you have questions about your Medicare or Medicare health plan options please feel free to contact us and we can make a new post or video to cover your questions. We here in California know health insurance whether it is private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid / Medi-Cal, Medigap or health insurance for your small business. It can be very confusing coming from your work insurance and trying to look at options on the private market or turning 65 and trying to figure out which Medicare option is best for you. That is exactly what we can do, we can walk you through your options and help you find the plans that fits your needs and your budget.