Covered California Enrollment Center

 SNAP Expanded Benefits & Pandemic EBT: 5 Ways Congress can Improve SNAP in Next Stimulus Package

SNAP Expanded Benefits & Pandemic EBT: 5 Ways Congress can Improve SNAP in Next Stimulus Package

Congress should improve SNAP (Food Stamps) in the next Stimulus package. This week, Congress will be coming back into session. The first thing on their list to do will be to figure out which benefits should go into the next stimulus package. Of course, it should include things likes $1,200 stimulus checks, rental protection, and more money for business to keep people employed. But one thing that should be a top priority is, finding ways to ensure that the SNAP program or Food stamps has the funds and the resource it needs to keep up with the demand. This would mean enough money to compensate for increased food prices, kids being home from school and the persistent increasing number of Americans who are still unable to work for the foreseeable future. In this video we are going to discuss 5 ways congress should consider improving SNAP in the next stimulus package, to help hungry Americans across the country until we are all able to get back to work. Please do not forget to like and subscribe.

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