Covered California Enrollment Center

SNAP Benefits & Pandemic EBT(P-EBT): What You Can & Cannot Buy with Food Stamps?

We have received a huge amount of questions with regards the SNAP, P-EBT and EBT programs that were recently expanded as a result of the Pandemic and the Lockdown. Under these new expanded and extended SNAP benefits there have been a lot of people who are newly eligible for the program, but had never been eligible for SNAP or Food Stamps previously. As a result, one of the biggest questions we received from our community members is, “What can I use my EBT benefits to buy?”. Today we are going to cover what are some of the things you can use your SNAP, P-EBT and EBT benefits to buy. Also, we will cover what you cannot use your SNAP, P-EBT and EBT Benefits to buy. • What are SNAP , P-EBT, EBT programs? • What you can purchase with EBT? • What you cannot purchase? • Products in the gray zone