Covered California Enrollment Center

Emergency Rental Assistance Program: Rent Relief for Renters & Landlords (California & Nationwide)

Now that the pandemic is starting to slow down, cities, states and counties are beginning to focus on how to deal with the aftermath of our economy being shut down. There have been many forms of assistance to help Americans like: Stimulus Checks, Expansion and extensions of government programs like SNAP and Medicaid but one of the most important protections afforded to Americans during the lockdown has been the eviction and renters protections. These protections were authorized under the CARES act and have allowed people to forbear their rent for the past 2 to 3 months. Unfortunately, these protections will end at the end of June, if there is no new stimulus packages past which could force renters to pay up to three months of back rent in one month. This could have a devastating effect on communities, renters, and landlords; especially if people are unable to get back to work. Many cities in California and across America are rolling out new Rental Assistance programs to help pay the rents of renters for the next couple of months. Some cities like Anaheim are paying up to $2,100 per household to help with rent where as other cities like Los angeles are paying up to $3,000 or even San Diego is paying as high as $4,000 per household for rental assistance. Today we are going to talk about how some cities are using millions of dollars from the CARES act to help renters pay their back due rent over the next couple of months. Please do not forget to like and subscribe