Covered California Enrollment Center

 Covered California: Trump Tries to Sabotage Obamacare (Affordable Care Act ACA)

Covered California: Trump Tries to Sabotage Obamacare (Affordable Care Act ACA)

President Trump and the White House submitted a request to the supreme court to attempt to sabotage and overturn Obamacare and shut down the health exchanges established by the affordable care act which would leave millions of Americans to pay their health insurance premiums without any assistance and be subject to pre-existing conditions rules for enrollment. Right know with the resurging pandemic and the continuing aftermath of the 1st wave of the pandemic, it would seem like an unlikely time to try to undue one of the biggest ways that Americans get their health insurance coverage. With 30 million people losing their work and subsequently their health coverage through their work, there could not be a worst time to get rid of the affordable care act. Despite all of this, the Trump administration has joined a bunch of red states to try to put an end to Obamacare once and for all, in a court in Texas. These efforts, despite being totally oblivious to the health pandemic going around our country right now, seek to obliterate the affordable care act and worst off, leave nothing in its place. Today we are going to discuss the most recent attempts by the White house to dismantle, disengage and destroy the affordable care act, and what that could it mean for people who are currently covered under one of the healthcare exchanges Before we do that do not forget to like and subscribe.

 Obamacare Basics 

  • Let us do a quick recap of Obamacare 
  • The affordable care act or Obamacare created health exchanges that provide full access to health coverage through private health insurance companies to anybody who is lawfully present in the United states regardless of income
  • They also provide comprehensive coverage including maternity coverage, drug rehab and protections against being denied coverage because of Pre-Existing conditions.
  • People who fall within the income guidelines, these health exchanges provide 
  • Subsidy or premium assistance to help ensure that the healthcare cost is affordable
  • Across America pre-pandemic the Obamacare exchanges covered nearly 20 million Americans 
  • And there are not yet any new numbers that show the new coverage because of the pandemic federally
  • In California there are there has been an 80% increase in enrollment from the same period last year. 
  • It went from 135,570 California’s to 242,600 California. 

Trumps most recent attempt 

  • The success of these health exchanges has been a thorn in the side of President Trump who ran his campaign partially on the abolition the affordable care act 
  • The Trump administration has been attempting to undermine the health exchanges since the president first started running for office
  • But this Thursday amid the growing second wave of the pandemic 
  • The White House asked the supreme court to invalidate the Affordable care act 
  • and in turn shut down the health exchanges that provides millions of Americans with health coverage.
  • The white house argues that with a zeroed federal tax penalty it claims that without and effective tax in place then the coverage requirement is unconstitutional, which also makes the rest of the ACA unlawful. 

The argument doesn’t hold water

  • Constitutional lawyers on both sides of the spectrum widely see this reasoning as not holding much water 
  • And has been labeled as, implausible, hard to justify, and surprisingly week. 
  • The reality is this may be an attempt by President Trump to regain some of the ground he has been losing in his re-election campaign, as he is seen as mishandling the pandemic crisis
  • Although this case is on the docket to be herd by the supreme court in the fall 
  • It is unlikely that any decision would be reached until well into 2021 and until then a lot can change.
  • Primarily in the case where Trump, can replace another Supreme Court Justice, and if that happens, implausible or not, the white house Could actually overturn the ACA 

 Democratic response

  • To troll the white house, Nancy Pelosi and House democrats released the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement act) on Monday. 
  • This bill is designed to strengthen and expand upon the affordable care act, fix some of the long-standing Medicaid issues and lower prescription drugs costs.
  • Some of the keyways this bill would strengthen the existing ACA is:
    • Allow a household to make more money and still get financial assistance
    • Eliminate a rule that disqualifies families from help if they have health insurance offered to them from their work, even if it is prohibitively expensive
  • It is not likely that something like this would pass with the senate and the white house in republican control
  • This is an obvious way for house Democrats to make a point by juxta positioning this new bill with the actions and intentions of the white house
  • But it is good to see that at least both sides are still thinking about healthcare amongst all the other chaos 


  • Overall, it just seems very strange timing that the Trump administration 
  • Is choosing to attempt to further sabotage the affordable care act in the middle of a health pandemic 
  • Especially because there has not be any better solution proposed
  • It would be noticeably short sighted to get rid of a program that assist so many Americans in the middle of a pandemic and have nothing to replace it with.

Thank you so much for watching, if you have questions about your Medicare or Medicare health plan options please feel free to contact us and we can make a new post or video to cover your questions. We here at California know health insurance weather it is private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid / Medi-Cal, Medigap or health insurance for your small business. It can be very confusing coming from your work insurance and trying to look at options on the private market or turning 65 and trying to figure out which Medicare option is best for you. That is exactly what we can do, we can walk you through your options and help you find the plans that fits your needs and your budget.